Back into the garden after five years with help from Walfinch

Val, a care client with Walfinch homecare Southampton, had not been able to get into her beloved garden for five years. Carol, one of Val’s carers, had learnt from Val how much she missed being able to get out there, but Val lacked the confidence to do so, while her health was compromised.                                                                                                                                                                          

Carol helped Val feel better by taking pictures of her garden and giving her the pictures to
look at.  Recently, after ensuring Val was safe and calming her nerves, Stacey, another of Val’s carers from Walfinch Southampton, helped Val get out there.

“We were so pleased to hear about this. Val was so happy to see the flowers. A beautiful day for both of them!” says Angela Harding, who co-owns Walfinch Southampton with Laura Pineiro.

Now Val’s carers are taking her out into her garden whenever she wants. ”It always puts a smile on Val’s face – and mine!” says carer Stacey.

Gardens are good for you. ‘Horticultural Therapy’ is a recognised treatment for improving or recovering health.

According to the British Psychological Society, there is clear scientific evidence that gardening is effective in improving physical activity, wellbeing and mental health at all stages of life. Gardening for just a few hours provides instantaneous reductions in depression and anxiety symptoms, while gardening daily is associated with reduced stress and increased life satisfaction.

“We don’t need science to tell us this – we see it all the time,” says Laura Pineiro. “We encourage our carers to take clients out into gardens and the countryside as much as they can, and it’s clear how much relaxation and pleasure they get by being out among the greenery.”

Angela and Laura work hard to match the interests of care clients with those of carers, so clients who like gardening are matched with carers who feel the same. “It means they have always got something to talk about and can get involved in activities that bring joy to both,” says Laura.

Walfinch provides care that helps grow clients’ lives. 

Do you want a rewarding  career with flexible hours as a professional carer with Walfinch Southampton? If so, Laura and Angela want to hear from you now.  Good prospects and full training provided. For care career opportunities and help with finding the right care, contact us at Walfinch Southampton  or call  023 8251 1088 for a friendly chat now.

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